The Mendercap Missives

A hobby blog by Mendercap and friends

Character generation

For my solo Ironsworn game, I downloaded the official character sheet, printed it out on some nice paper and envisioned a character outside of the usual rogue archetype I like.

Character sheet

I started off by allocating the standard stat array:

I rolled on the Ironlander name table and got Kynan.

I figure Kynan (he/him) is a woodworker, so I picked some assets to suit:

As a woodworker, Kynan likely lives south of the Veiled Mountains. This gives me an idea for his background vow: to travel beyond the Shattered Wastes (an inhospitable glacier beyond the Veiled Mountains and the northermost region of the Ironlands).

For bonds, I wanted Kynan to share a bond with his settlement so I rolled a settlement name of Stonetower. His other bonds are with Sidan (Kynan’s cousin; I rolled the character descriptor of insightful) and Qamar (Kynan’s violent apprentice).

I rolled on the settlement trouble oracle and got in the crossfire. I couldn’t think of a solid take on this, so I reversed the number and got production halts. I can work with that.

The village of Stonetower sits between the Havens and the Sunken Lands. A group of villagers, including my cousin Sidan’s husband, have ventured into the Sunken Lands to gather iron bog and failed to return. Sidan has asked me to investigate her husband’s disappearance.

Next time, we’ll make our first move and swear an iron vow to help Sidan.